
Driftless Morning

with James Hallberg, Cabin Dave & Adam Becker

Weekdays at 6:00AM

Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday host, James Hallberg, was born in Indiana but mostly grew up in Lincoln Nebraska. Listening to minor league baseball radio on a crystal set was the start, then advancing to clear channel AM.

James Brown was the key, then somewhere between Porter Waggoner and Ornette Coleman the young man got lost in the musical omniverse that is now channeled on WDRT’s Driftless Morning Show, Community Radio is the creative hope for sanity in a world gone mad from the mediocrity of crass commercialism. “Secure the Transmitter!”

Dave grew up in very Norwegian Stoughton, WI. Migrating west to the Kickapoo Valley in 1996, he has worked as apple picker, cabinetmaker and CSA truck driver.

A rustic and practicing musician, Dave had no inclination toward disc jockey work until a certain salsa vendor (program director Jim Hallberg) at Viroqua Farmer’s Market made him an offer to host a Nordic Roots show on WDRT. The seed germinated. Sweet Sunny North burst into bloom Sept. 17, 2010. Dave currently hosts Driftless Morning on Thursdays. 

Adam Becker is the host of Driftless Mornings on Fridays.

Jim Hallberg: j4d@wdrt.org

Cabin Dave: kickapooviking@gmail.com





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