Support Driftless Community Radio
WDRT brings you distinct and diverse programming produced by your friends and neighbors. We also provide news and information that is unavailable on other media outlets. The result is a station that just ‘sounds’ like the Driftless. This is community radio, and you make it possible.
Member support is WDRT’s largest source of revenue, and your donation creates a space that uplifts local music and stories, explores new perspectives with an open mind, and celebrates our ability to connect with each other.
Monthly Sustaining Membership
Hands-down the best way to support WDRT! As a Sustainer, you’ll provide ongoing support to the station through a monthly donation that is automatically deducted from your bank account. It’s simple and easy, and you can cancel anytime.
Benefits to you:
- Easy and affordable – starting at just $5/month
- No more renewal letters
- Annual thank-you gift
- Automatically entered to win in our annual Season of Giving
- NEW: Exclusive lapel pin
One-Time Donation
Anyone who donates $120 or more will receive our new WDRT zip-up hoodie! This tri-blend sweatshirt has the WDRT logo on the front, and a close-up of a record stylus hand-drawn by artist Pete Hodapp. It is made in the USA, plus it’s soft and extremely comfortable (sure to become your favorite!)
Donations over $60 receive our newly-designed WDRT t-shirt, which has a pair of headphones designed by Pete Hodapp, and is also made in the USA, with super soft cotton.