Microcollege: The Thoreau College Podcast
Microcollege: The Thoreau College Podcast
Thoreau College Podcast

Episode #29: Rick Thomas – Sterling College, Wendell Berry Farming Program

Rickey Glen Thomas “RT” preaches the gospel of draft animal power and agrarian education, describing a pedagogy borne from the musings of Wendell Berry.

Rick Thomas is a horseman, farmer, author and educator who heads the Sterling College Wendell Berry Farming Program, located in Henry County, Kentucky.

Sterling College: https://www.sterlingcollege.edu/

Wendell Berry Farming Program: https://www.sterlingcollege.edu/wendellberry/

The Berry Center: https://berrycenter.org/

Learn more about Thoreau College and the microcollege movement at: https://thoreaucollege.org/

Driftless Folk School: https://www.driftlessfolkschool.org/