Natural Wonders
Natural Wonders
August 20th, 2024

Today I’m repeating the reading of the July Chapter of A Sand County Almanac, (Great Possessions and A Prairie Birthday), by Aldo Leopold. In this unforgettable part of the book, we learn of a compass plant that Leopold loves to see as he drives by. Because of its corner location in a graveyard,  it has been unaffected by the plow or the mower blade. I dedicate this reading toThe Prairie Enthusiasts, who have taken on the work of saving our native plants in 4 midwest states, and giving all of us the joy of seeing, smelling and reveling in the beauty of our heritage. Now is the time to visit a Prairie Enthusiasts prairie. Look at their website, theprairieenthusiasts.org for detailed directions to many prairies they have saved and go visit. This is the prime time of the year.